It’s like coming home to your own personal retreat. All guestrooms reflect the calm, contemplative environment of South Tyrol. Clean design runs like a common thread through our hotel at the heart of Tirolo, South Tyrol. This is true not only for the public areas of our hotel, but also our rooms and suites have been furnished with the greatest of care. Everything, from the hotel interior and its generous terraces to the boundless sky and the vastness of the country, is determined by warm colours and the most top quality materials. The open country becomes one with the hotel, reflecting our holistic concept of natural well-being. Our rooms and suites amid the South Tyrolean nature provide space to thrive, to be you, and to feel at ease with who you are. A hint of elegance and understated luxury round off the perfect experience of our rooms and suites, each of which has its individual charm.
Living comfortdream & relax
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